
When using signals, a signal is defined as a string, for example in a Signal Start Event. This string has to be coded at least twice, when you send a signal and when you receive a signal. This can produce a spelling mistake easily, for exmple, somebody sends xxx:awaiting_end_of_rejection_period:start, but the SignalStartEvent waits for xxx:await_end_of_rejection_period:start.

I would like to define all my signal strings in an interface like this in Java:

public interface SignalCodes { public static String INITIALIZE_REQUEST = "xxx:initialize_request:start"; public static String RECOGNIZE_BUSINESS_CASE = "xxx:recognize_business_case:start"; public static String IDENTIFY_REQUESTER = "xxx:identify_requester:start"; public static String CREATE_REQUEST_AND_REQUESTER = "xxx:create_request_and_requester:start"; public static String RATE_REQUEST = "xxx:rate_request:start"; public static String AWAIT_END_OF_REJECTION_PERIOD = "xxx:awaiting_end_of_rejection_period:start"; public static String REJECT_REQUEST = "xxx:reject_request:start"; public static String PEP_CHECK = "xxx:pep_check:start"; public static String MANUAL_HANDLING = "xxx:manual_handling:start"; public static String SEND_CONTRACT_DOCUMENTS = "xxx:send_contract_documents:start"; }

I can use thise definition when i send the signal programmatically, but i can't use it in the SignalStartEvent. There only a hard coded string ca be used.

Is there a solution for this problem? Define a signal string only once and then use ist on both sides, sender and receiver?

I think, the CMS should be the right place to define the signal strings.

asked 14.09.2016 at 16:23

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Asked: 14.09.2016 at 16:23

Seen: 1,676 times

Last updated: 14.09.2016 at 16:23