Hi there. Today, I have a problem with the name of a task. The first time, when I create a task with a name ABC, after do something, it changes XYZ. I changed the task name by Ivy script, like this:

alt text

My problem is now, the task name can't be changed reply on the locale. My question is How can I use cms to set for a dynamic name for Task and then let it resolves by CMS?

Thanks so much.

asked 20.07.2018 at 06:33

Tuyen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20.07.2018 at 06:34

Such a question already exists here: https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/1676/task-details-cms

I think the answer is still valid:

  • there is no automatic built in thing in ivy to translate the task titles
  • you can build it on your own by writing a CMS path instead of plain text into the task name
  • later all workflow UIs and taskMail generators must resolve the name from CMS via API instead of directly rendering it

answered 23.07.2018 at 06:01

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

I see. Thank you.

(23.07.2018 at 06:04) Tuyen Tuyen's gravatar image

May I ask whether it's too much work consumption for ivy.team to support this feature in Task API?

(25.07.2018 at 03:11) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

@ToanLC the implementation is easy to change and would not cost much effort. But i see performance consequences as the workflow front end would no longer be able to sort or query the task names directly trough the DB layer. But I think its worth to propose a feature request for it in the issue DB and negotiate the priority by showing the projects that would benefit from it.

(26.07.2018 at 04:32) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

@Reguel Wermelinger I totally agree with you. I will try bringing up the discussion for this feature. Let's see if many projects can benefit from it. Thank @reguel

(26.07.2018 at 06:23) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.07.2018 at 06:33

Seen: 1,837 times

Last updated: 26.07.2018 at 06:23