Suppose I have two classes, each of them provides Builder API.

// This is in Ivy Script
import example.Person.Builder;

Builder errorPersonBuilder = new Person.Builder(); // this line generates a compilation error saying class Person.Builder not found.

Builder workingPersonBuilder = new Builder(); // this works.

It is still OK if there is only one Builder inside the context. As soon as there is another:

// This is in Ivy Script
import example.Person.Builder;
import example.Company.Builder; // compilation error of collision, there are two classes named Builder.

Builder workingPersonBuilder = new Builder(); // this works, see above.

Builder anotherBuilder = new Builder(); // which builder?

If Ivy Script could supports the same as normal Java, we could do:

import example.Person.Builder;
import example.Company.Builder;

Person.Builder personBuilder = new Person.Builder();
Company.Builder companyBuilder = new Company.Builder();

Should this be supported in Ivy Script?

asked 29.04.2016 at 07:13

Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Genzer Hawker
accept rate: 66%


This code here:

import example.Person.Builder;
import example.Company.Builder;

Person.Builder personBuilder = new Person.Builder();
Company.Builder companyBuilder = new Company.Builder();

does not work in Java as well. The compiler says:

The import test.Person.Builder collides with another import statement

In java and IvyScript the following works:

import test.Company;
import test.Person;

Person.Builder personBuilder = new Person.Builder();
Company.Builder companyBuilder = new Company.Builder();

If you are working with builders, we usally provide a static method to start building. E.g.:

public class Person
  public static Builder build()
    return new Builder();

  public static class Builder

Then you do not have to import the Builder itself. Simple use:

Person person ="Weiss").withGender(Gender.MALE).toPerson();

answered 29.04.2016 at 08:28

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

Oh, i didn't pay attention to the import of the Java context. It's true. You are right! For the suggestion in your answer, yes, that's what I do to (combining builder & static factory method). However, some library and even JDK still just uses plain Builder. Thanks!

(29.04.2016 at 08:43) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

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Asked: 29.04.2016 at 07:13

Seen: 1,920 times

Last updated: 29.04.2016 at 08:43