
I want to send the daily tasksummary Email more than once a day.

Is it possible to call the function of ivy Server bei ivy script? Starting the process of the WorkflowUi "only" gives me the HMTL page back

Thanks Roland

asked 21.05.2014 at 21:11

roland's gravatar image

accept rate: 41%

Didn't we have that topic two days ago? See here.

(23.05.2014 at 11:09) Nikel Weis Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

It's not the same, the request bevore was to send mail if Task is assigned to a new user. i want to send the daily Task summary email. I don't reasign the user of the Task. Roland

(28.05.2014 at 15:16) roland roland's gravatar image

Sorry for reposting nearly the same answer.

This is possible. I think the basic method you need is findWorkTasks()on that base you can send an email to notify the user about his/her assigned tasks. See API for further informations.

From the designer guide:

In a Daily notification mail you might need a task list for a user that she may activate and work on. The method findWorkTasks(..) on ivy.wf does this job. It uses even substitutions and absences to collect the correct task list (see IWorkflowContext interface in the PublicAPI documentation for more details)

Hope this helps.


answered 28.05.2014 at 16:16

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

edited 28.05.2014 at 16:16

Hi Nikel,

unfortunately not. this only helps me to find the Tasks of a user. Thats ok, but how can i start the mailsending process? There is the daily Task summary process i have to call with this list. This process Returns a html page. how could i send this endpage as mail to the user? Better there is a Server Job which is doing this once a day on ivy Server is it possible to start/call this Server function?

best regards Roland

(28.05.2014 at 20:49) roland roland's gravatar image

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Asked: 21.05.2014 at 21:11

Seen: 3,545 times

Last updated: 28.05.2014 at 20:49