Hello everybody!

I have a problem in my ivy-project. In my main HTMl dialog panel, I add dynamically 8 rows(component)(ui:repeat).
I would like to call a ivy script method(in the component) from the main panel with a button click event.

Is this possible and if so how can i make this?

Thanks for your help, Patrick

asked 19.10.2015 at 12:17

Patrick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is not possible to call an ivy script method because ivy script does not know methods.

What you can do is call a method of your component Html Dialog that is mapped to a logic process. In the logic process use a script step to execute your ivy script. Use #{logic.myMethod()} to call your method from JSF.

Or, use a manged bean java class with a method and call this from JSF with #{myBean.myMethod()}.

See chapter Html Dialog in the Designer Guide for more information and the Html Dialog Demo project delivered with the Designer.


answered 19.10.2015 at 14:29

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 19.10.2015 at 12:17

Seen: 2,473 times

Last updated: 19.10.2015 at 14:29