Hi all

I'm a newbie on signal concept, so I don't know exactly how signal is triggered on multiple PMVs, my usecase is: In the PMV 1 of project A, I created a ivy task. Then some days later, I deploy version 2 or that project, I also create the same task on that version. I have a portal page where it load all task from all PMVs. so from here I can open the old task. I assume that in the implementation of task, when the task is open, it do some stuff then send the signal (code: ABC) to do any other stuffs. So what if I open the old task(on PMV 1) then when it send the signal ABC, is the signal triggered on the PMV 2 ?


asked 13.07.2016 at 11:45

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 13.07.2016 at 11:45


Signals are scoped to applications. So if any PMV sends a signal it will be sent to all PMVs in the same application. However, receiving signal boundary events (Boundary signal event on user task actvitiy) are listening to the sendet signals in every PMV that is in state RELEASED or DEPRECATED. Start signal events are listenting to the sendet signals in every PMV that is in state RELEASED only (New processes are only started in the RELEASED PMV).


answered 14.07.2016 at 09:45

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

Hi Thanks for your response, it's very helpful. So which mean we should prefer using signal Boundary event? in out project, we have many business process and each of them want to send the signal to create User Task for next business process. LLike this case: open task to start process A, then when it's finished, it will send signal to create User Task for Process B and go on..., So for that case my signal start for creating task should be placed on boundary of UserStart of Process A? right? Or i'm wrong?

(15.07.2016 at 06:47) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

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Asked: 13.07.2016 at 11:45

Seen: 2,679 times

Last updated: 15.07.2016 at 06:47