We have an Axon.ivy Engine running as a Window Service. The version of the Axon.ivy we are using is We intentionally installed JDK 1.7.0_60 in order to use the VisualVM to monitor and investigate some memory issue. The Axon.ivy Engine is configured with JMX port.

We are able to view the Axon.ivy Enigne application in the VisualVM but the Memory Sampler is rendered inactive and the notification given to us is:

Memory sampling: Not available. Cannot connect to target application. Make sure the application is running on a supported JDK 6 or JDK 7.

If we run the Axon.ivy Engine as a non-service, everything works.

We looked into the Axon.ivy Engine and discovered that it included a JRE inside which was also 1.7.0_60. We tried to configure the argument ivy.dir.jre to the JDK's jre but it still didn't work.

We also discovered that the file jre/bin/server/jvm.dll in the JDK and the Axon.ivy Engine's JRE were different (using SHA-1 checksume) despite everything looks the same on the surface.

The questions are:

  • Is it possible to use Memory Sampler on VisualVM to the Axon.ivy Engine running as a Windows Service? How?
  • Why we cannot start the Axon.ivy Engine when we change the argument ivy.dir.jre?



I managed to find a way to start both Axon.ivy Engine service and VisualVM both under Local System account using PSTools. However, the result is still the same, the Memory Sampler is still inactive.

VisualVM and Axon.ivy Engine service are both started under Local System account Axon.ivy Engine JVM details VisualVM JVM details

asked 16.10.2015 at 11:06

Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Genzer Hawker
accept rate: 66%

edited 20.10.2015 at 06:23

You need to start the JVisualVM with the same user that is used to start the engine service. See the service properties in the "Log on" tab. alt text

In most cases it is sufficient to right click on the jvisualvm binary an run it as administrator. Otherwise you can use "runas" to start a windows process with as a special user.


answered 19.10.2015 at 08:44

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 19.10.2015 at 08:46

Hi Reguel Wermelinger, I tried with your suggestion but didn't succeed. I updated my question to reflect what I did. Could you have a look to see why I failed to monitor the Axon.ivy engine even if I started both under SYSTEM user?

(20.10.2015 at 06:27) Genzer Hawker Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

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Asked: 16.10.2015 at 11:06

Seen: 17,547 times

Last updated: 20.10.2015 at 06:27