In ivy 7, I use the repository as below to get osgi.bundle package. <repository> <id>ivy.nightly.release</id> <layout>p2</layout> <url></url> </repository> It work well with Ivy version 7. But with Ivy version 8.0.2, it cannot work. So, could you show me the repository need to use for version 8.0.2? I try to change: <url></url> => <url></url> but it also cannot work. Thank |
This problem is dedicated to the maven version 3.6.1. Axon.ivy Designer 8.0.2 comes with built-in maven 3.6.1. Workaround: Download current maven version (3.6.3) and call your command on the command line. |
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Asked: 04.02.2020 at 06:42
Seen: 1,259 times
Last updated: 05.02.2020 at 06:02
the lts-8.0 repo should provide all official bundles. what concrete issues are you currently facing. any errors from your build pipeline?
My issue is: I have MANIFEST.MF file with this configure "Require-Bundle: ch.ivyteam.util,ch.ivyteam.ivy.server". With ivy designer 7.0.10 i can install maven with this dependency: <repository> <id>ivy.nightly.release</id> <layout>p2</layout> <url></url> </repository>. But with ivy designer 8.0.2 the error "Missing requirement: persistence 0.0.1 requires 'osgi.bundle; ch.ivyteam.util 0.0.0' but it could not be found" is displayed.
in theory ch.ivyteam.uil exists in the latest LTS p2 repo: ... you can also inspect that by pressing the 'list' button within the 'content' section of the mentioned uri.
However, since there is no obvious error visible. Try to share your MANIFEST.MF + maven effective pom.xml and the full error stack trace being shown.
It's hard to show you all messages in this page, i was contact with support team by email for this problem.
Anyway, thank you for your help.