Hi all

Some months ago i heard about the new exception handling mechanism which has been introduces by ivy team. Somehow ivy now can care about exception in BPM, we just need to use some special elements to throw and catch error code. And now i'm trying to use it in our project. Well, now may question is: beside of those special elements, is there any ivy API to throw exception with defined error code in java? Thanks in advance

asked 03.08.2016 at 05:07

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

See BpmError Public API which you can use in Java or IvyScript.

You could build and throw an BpmError form IvyScript or Java like this:


To find out more about this look at the error handling concept in the Designer Guide.


answered 03.08.2016 at 11:02

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 03.08.2016 at 11:18

thanks for your help. it work now

(04.08.2016 at 10:16) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

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Asked: 03.08.2016 at 05:07

Seen: 2,919 times

Last updated: 04.08.2016 at 10:16