Referencing to the ticket in Q&A #4316:

Is there a workaround for Version 7.0.14 ? We want to use dropins feature in Astecs Project. We use no docker. By server start we get following log in the engine console:

Install patches for classes: ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.exec.internal.request.HttpRichDialogProcessRequest Time to load bundles: 5 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Reading timestamps from file: C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\117\data\cache.timestamps [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\links=0

[p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\dropins=0

[p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\configuration\org.eclipse.update\platform.xml=1558430362000 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\plugins=1561628959416 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] c:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\dropins=1578906154328 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\features=1561628916282 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Timestamp has been updated for file: C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\dropins, expected: 0, actual: 1578911822256 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Performing reconciliation.

Error Processing: org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.reconciler.dropins.DropinsRepositoryListener@6cd29ccd: java.lang.NullPointerException

asked 13.01.2020 at 05:41

josef_koupal's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

converted to question 13.01.2020 at 06:00

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Asked: 13.01.2020 at 05:41

Seen: 906 times

Last updated: 13.01.2020 at 06:00