Dear Ivy team,

I use window 10 and installed Docker tool. alt text

Because our axon ivy's project use axon-ivy engine 7.0.1. it have some lib call from window's library. So I have to create a image can run on linux container and still call lib of window OS success

I use Docker to build a image include axon-ivy engine and window core in docker hub:

my docker file is:

FROM dgauch/axonivy-engine:7.0.1
Expose 8082

I use one of window docker hubs : 1. microsoft/windowscore 2. microsoft/nanoserver

But I only can run "dgauch/axonivy-engine" if I switched to docker linux container then can't run there is a error: no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries.

When I switched to window container at docker tool desktop. I can run is succesful.

but there are error when run docker for dgauch/axonivy-engine. There are a error: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform

How can I do integrate two image axon-ivy engine and window core to a image, that can run every where on linux or window system ?

asked 20.11.2019 at 02:57

tuannv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20.11.2019 at 03:11

We can not recommend to run Axon.ivy Engine 7.0 in Docker Container. Especially the outdated version 7.0.1. You will miss a lot of features, which are specially introduced for a container environement.

Currently we do not have a windows container variant for Axon.ivy Engine. But we may should provide one (XIVY-3443).

Your attempt can not work. You can not have multiple FROM for the same target image. Currently what you are doing is a so called multistage build. The first stage is


the second stage is

FROM dgauch/axonivy-engine:7.0.1
Expose 8082

You first stage has completely no impact to the target docker image.

And do not use dgauch/axonivy-engine for production. This docker image is not supported by us.

Note: You can not run linux container in a windows container environment and vice versa.


answered 20.11.2019 at 03:09

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 20.11.2019 at 03:24

I tried with axonivy-engine:latest, but it doesn't work so your mean we can't build a image of both axon-ivy engine and window nano core . isn't it ?

(20.11.2019 at 03:25) tuannv tuannv's gravatar image

you can not use our axonivy-engine image and run it as a windows container. how should this work?

(20.11.2019 at 04:07) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.11.2019 at 02:57

Seen: 16,748 times

Last updated: 20.11.2019 at 04:08