We can not recommend to run Axon.ivy Engine 7.0 in Docker Container. Especially the outdated version 7.0.1. You will miss a lot of features, which are specially introduced for a container environement.
Currently we do not have a windows container variant for Axon.ivy Engine. But we may should provide one.one ([XIVY-3443][1]).
Your attempt can not work. You can not have multiple `FROM` for the same target image. Currently what you are doing is a so called [multistage build][1]. build][2]. The first stage is
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1903
the second stage is
FROM dgauch/axonivy-engine:7.0.1
Expose 8082
You first stage has completely no impact to the target docker image.
And do not use **dgauch/axonivy-engine** for production. This docker image is not supported by us.
[1]: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/
Note: You can not run linux container in a windows container environment and vice versa.
[1]: https://jira.axonivy.com/jira/browse/
[2]: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/