Hi Ivy team

Is there a switch or something to keep the container running even if there was a (fatal) exception at boot time of Ivy ?

Currently it's slightly painful to debug ...

Thanks & Regards John Moser

asked 15.05.2019 at 11:54

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

edited 17.05.2019 at 02:46

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦

What do you mean with a fatal exception in ivy. A fatal exception is something like OutOfMemory and there is no way out. This is not specific to ivy.

(16.05.2019 at 02:35) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

The problem is, you can't connect to the container anymore if something like this ... Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /etc/axonivy-engine-7x/ivy.yaml (Permission denied) ... happens. It would be nice to keep the container up and running in order to connect and investigate, what went wrong.

(16.05.2019 at 08:32) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

It's better to not start the engine at all if a problem like this occur, this can lead to very unexpected behaviors. If the engine can not access the ivy.yaml a lot of problems can occur.

And in fact everything is said when you got the message 'Permission denied'. E.g. you can't start an apache http server if it can not access its configuration files.

In your case now, please check the file permissions (chown/chmod) of your ivy.yaml. I suppose that you must set the user and group to ivy:ivy.


answered 16.05.2019 at 10:41

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

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Asked: 15.05.2019 at 11:54

Seen: 1,977 times

Last updated: 17.05.2019 at 02:46