Hi Ivy team

I have a zip file with IARs (but w/o app.yaml) and I use COPY to copy the zip file to the deploy folder of the Ivy engine, where it should be deployed at startup - according to the doc.

a) is this procedure correct ? b) If yes then I get -> Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException: /usr/lib/axonivy-engine-7x/applications/projects/authentication_tool_ivy/1.zip

There is indeed a authentication_tool_ivy-7.2.0-SNAPSHOT.iar in the zip file.

Any idea why this error happens ? Any more specific description how the files have to be named ? Is the order how the IARs are listed in the zip file relevant ?

Thanks & Regards John Moser

asked 15.05.2019 at 11:10

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

Hello John Moser

That's fine when you copy the iar to the deploy directory in your Dockerfile, but for Axon.ivy Engine 7.3.1 and earlier you must mount the applications directory to a persistent volume. Have a look at our docker sample for that: https://github.com/ivy-samples/docker-samples/blob/master/ivy-deploy-app/docker-compose.yml

This is a known problem and I'm currently working on that so that nobody needs to mount this application directory to a persistent volume. This solution should be part of our next release.


answered 16.05.2019 at 02:31

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

Thank you - any idea when the fix will be available ?

(16.05.2019 at 08:35) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

With the next 7.4 release but we have no official release date. But its fully working with the mentioned approach - we already have productive customers.

(16.05.2019 at 09:05) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Yes it is working. 7.4 or later is ok. Thanks a lot ... just got my Docker image running.

(16.05.2019 at 11:39) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

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Asked: 15.05.2019 at 11:10

Seen: 1,957 times

Last updated: 16.05.2019 at 11:39