Hi IvyTeam,

We have the following situation: we will have to deploy from time to time an Ivy Application. This application defines a database (MS SQL) for storing the application's data. We would like to create/update this database automatically at Ivy Deployment time with an database updating system like Flyway. (With some SQL Scripts CREATE / UPDATE TABLE ....)

  • Is that already possible with Ivy? Ivy does it already at Ivy Engine installation or upgrade time with its System database. This would be a great feature if we could create/upgrade our project's databases at application deployment time.
  • If not we should be able to execute some code at Ivy deployment time. Is there some Ivy Server Extension points allowing this easily?

Thanks a lot in advance Cheers Emmanuel

asked 12.12.2018 at 09:49

Emmanuel%20Comba's gravatar image

Emmanuel Comba
accept rate: 50%

  • if you just need an updated database schema and you access the DB using JPA you can use the standard schema migrations: hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update
  • when you have a proprietary stack you can implement an extension point that is triggered at deploy time: ch.ivyteam.ivy.deployment.restricted.IProjectResourceDeployer. But be warned that this an internal extension point and can be changed at any time from our side without notice.

answered 13.12.2018 at 02:43

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 13.12.2018 at 02:45

Hi Reguel, Thanks a lot !This will help a lot. Unfortunately I think we won't be able to use the Hibernate auto-update only. So the extension point could be a solution.

(13.12.2018 at 02:58) Emmanuel Comba Emmanuel%20Comba's gravatar image

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Asked: 12.12.2018 at 09:49

Seen: 1,770 times

Last updated: 13.12.2018 at 02:58