I can't integrated axon-ivy engine with window nano server code in a image on docker
Dear Ivy team,
I use window 10 and installed Docker tool.
![alt text][1]
Because our axon ivy's project use **axon-ivy engine** 7.0.1. it have some **lib call from window's library**. So I have to create a image can run on **linux container** and still call lib of window OS success
I use Docker to build a image include axon-ivy engine and window core in docker hub:
my docker file is:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1903
FROM dgauch/axonivy-engine:7.0.1
Expose 8082
I use one of window docker hubs :
1. microsoft/windowscore
2. microsoft/nanoserver
But I only can run "**dgauch/axonivy-engine**" if I switched to docker linux container then can't run
there is a error: no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries.
When I switched to window container at docker tool desktop. I can run
mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1909 is succesful.
but there are error when run docker for **dgauch/axonivy-engine**. There are a error: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform
How can I do integrate two image axon-ivy engine and window core to a image, that can run every where on linux or window system ?
[1]: https://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/KjGEs.pnghttps://answers.axonivy.com/upfiles/KjGEs_baJ1saX.png