In my application, users can log-in in various ways...

  • SSO: WAF via Tomcat valve
  • SSO: IIS integration
  • directly on the portal's login page (only for test/development systems)

Now I have the challenge to create a mechanism that can log last successful login of a user and write this information to my application DB or to the user in Ivy system DB.

Which options do I have to do this?

asked 02.07.2019 at 02:46

timorupp's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Hi Timo

For your information there is an open feature request (XIVY-1576) that Axon.ivy should do this automatically. However, until this is implemented you can do the following: Implement a class that implements the non public API Interface: Register your class with the ivy security manager during startup:


More details see here:


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 02.07.2019 at 07:46

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

edited 02.07.2019 at 07:47

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Asked: 02.07.2019 at 02:46

Seen: 2,210 times

Last updated: 02.07.2019 at 07:47