Hello, how is the rule which language has the system session ? Can we set the langauge of system session for the whole application ? Thanks Karel asked 07.10.2016 at 13:50 tauser |
The locale of an ivy session is determined as follows. The first defined locale wins - top down. E.g. if browser language is set, the client OS is ignored:
For the system session you should be able to refine the locale by using the API that will influence the 'override' locale:
Be aware that you need some maintenance code set these Locales after an engine reboot. Anyway, what is your use case to refine the system users language? Are you trying to influence the language within Task-Mails? If so, consider to use Axon.ivy 6.4 which will be available around the end of October. We've introduced API to load CMS contents in E-Mail steps with a given language: answered 10.10.2016 at 12:21 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ task names are stored fix in system database with language of session by task creation. (the trigerred task with system session). We would like to control the language used for the task names (from CMS)
(10.10.2016 at 14:51)
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Asked: 07.10.2016 at 13:50
Seen: 2,472 times
Last updated: 10.10.2016 at 14:58