Hello Ivy-Comunity! When logged in to Apache (and to Tomcat) the User is not taken by Ivy. In a testing environment I have the following constellation:
So this Page shows me by asking request.getRemoteUser() that this User is logged in: Hans.Tester@TESTENV.LOCAL and a HTTP Session request.getSession().getId(). But getting the Ivy-User by ivySession.getSessionUser() returns null. Except when Logged in manualy the result Hans.Tester for the Ivy-Session. So why is that? Or how can I make shure, that the Session is taken correctly by ivy? First guess is, that the username comes with the Environment (TESTENV.LOCAL). If it is the Issue, how to shut that down? With further investigation I found out more:
Thanks in advance! |
After a lot of research I found this solution. In httpd.conf I added this code to the Location-Tag (< Location /ivy5 >) it will simply chopp off the @REALM from the User sent to Ivy. It is so far the simplest and possibly the only way to modify the User before it is given to Tomcat.
Most informations I got from: httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html |
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Asked: 13.05.2015 at 09:04
Seen: 3,003 times
Last updated: 20.05.2015 at 16:21