In Ivy 7.1, is it possible to call a NTLM protected web service using the logged in user (therefore not configuring user/password in the REST client)?

asked 08.10.2018 at 05:45

peters's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've just inspected the NTLMAuthenticationFeature of our REST clients. It looks like currently we explicitly block the re-usage of the user/password which are known by to the JVM. We enforce the usage of the username+password defined in our own webservice client configuration. So no, today SSO will not work with REST client calls.

For a future improval. What would you expect from an NTLM/SSO feature? Should it re-use the credentials from the current user that works with ivy or should it be the account that runs the JVM (axonIvyEngine)?


answered 15.10.2018 at 03:02

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 15.10.2018 at 03:02

I think both scenarios could be valid, but if necessary to decide, I would probably prefer the Engine (thinking about background jobs and the like).

(15.10.2018 at 04:29) peters peters's gravatar image

I've just found an older issue that already discusses this need: I added you to the watchers. Feel free to negotiate its priority with our PO. Maybe you can enrich the issues with infos about your current customer project that would benefit from it.

(15.10.2018 at 05:45) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 08.10.2018 at 05:45

Seen: 1,745 times

Last updated: 15.10.2018 at 05:45