If I logout a user from it's session (session.logoutSessionUser()), the session is still existing with an "unknown user".

    ISecurityManager secMgr = SecurityManager.getSecurityManager();
    for (ISession ssn : secMgr.getSessions()) {
        if (ssn.getSessionUserName().equalsIgnoreCase("xyz")) {

The session disappears only after a timeout (that might be the timeout defined in the tomcat configuration)

However: Is there a way to close/kill a session immediately after logging out a user?

asked 27.03.2019 at 08:02

Stefan's gravatar image

accept rate: 60%

edited 27.03.2019 at 08:02

Hi Stefan

Do you want to destroy the ivy session or the http session? You can destroy the ivy session by using the following API:


The http session will not be destroyed by this call. However, there is an open issue XIVY-1091 in our issues database for this.


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 27.03.2019 at 10:30

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 27.03.2019 at 08:02

Seen: 1,469 times

Last updated: 27.03.2019 at 10:30