
Using engine 6.0.5, I am trying to query tasks that the session user is working or can work on.

According to the docs, findWorkTasks() can return tasks in states TaskState.SUSPENDED, TaskState.CREATED, TaskState.RESUMED, TaskState.PARKED.

When I use it like this:

result = ivy.session.findWorkTasks(filter, order, first, pageSize, true, EnumSet.of(TaskState.SUSPENDED, TaskState.RESUMED));

It never returns TaskState.RESUMED tasks, only TaskState.SUSPENDED.

Just to double check if I have resumed tasks, I tried the following call and it returns the TaskState.RESUMED tasks. result = ivy.session.findLockedWorkTasks(filter, order, first, pageSize, true, EnumSet.of(TaskState.RESUMED));

What am I doing wrong on my use of findWorkTasks()?

Thanks in advance,

asked 01.02.2017 at 15:45

Jailson%20Brito's gravatar image

Jailson Brito
accept rate: 50%

The only way that I was able to achieve what I was looking for was using ivy.wf.findWorkTasks() instead of ivy.session.findWorkTasks().


IUser sessionUser = ivy.session.getWorkflowContext().getSecurityContext().getCurrentSession().getSessionUser();


result = ivy.wf.findWorkTasks(sessionUser, filter, order, first, pageSize, true, EnumSet.of(TaskState.SUSPENDED, TaskState.RESUMED));


answered 01.02.2017 at 20:50

Jailson%20Brito's gravatar image

Jailson Brito
accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 01.02.2017 at 15:45

Seen: 1,984 times

Last updated: 01.02.2017 at 20:50