
  1. user1 authenticates and starts a task;
  2. Then, user1 closes the browser window with the task open;
  3. Finally, authenticates again and try to do the task.

Then, it throw the Error: "Error Http Status Code 409", ConflictRequestException: "You cannot work on the task '305 - User 1 - Task 1 - ' with the identifier '41' because the user 'user1' is currently working on it.".

The simulation doesn't start before the error, so I am wondering if it could be just a configuration on Axon Ivy. My Question is How to avoid the Error Http Status Code 409?

Any help is appreciated.


asked 07.02.2017 at 18:32

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Jailson Brito
accept rate: 50%

edited 07.02.2017 at 18:42

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Asked: 07.02.2017 at 18:32

Seen: 4,306 times

Last updated: 07.02.2017 at 18:42