Hello! I have the following scenario:

  1. User goes to the their Personal Task List;
  2. There's 1 task;
  3. User closes the window or tab in the browser;
  4. User comes back in 5 minutes and goes to their Personal Task List;
  5. The task is gone;
  6. After 30 minutes, the user refreshes the page;
  7. The task is back;

Question 1. I understand that since the user started to work on that task (step 2), it changed from SUSPENDED to RUNNING, and other users are not able to see that task in the meantime. I don't understand why even the user that is working on that task, can't see the task in the Personal Task List.

Question 2. Using Html Dialog, How to detect when the user change the context on the browser, to bind it to an event in the Logic? For example, if the user closes the tab/window, then it would fire a process to change the task to SUSPENDED again.

I found old answers but they don't seem to be the exact scenario:

Thanks in advance.

asked 30.01.2017 at 23:51

Jailson%20Brito's gravatar image

Jailson Brito
accept rate: 50%

edited 30.01.2017 at 23:57


Question 1: This depends how the Workflow UI your using is implemented (e.g. the Portal delivered with 6.5.0 still shows the Task in the Task list and asks if it should reset it when opening it again)

Question 2: You could do this using JavaScript and the beforeunload event and then call a process which resets the current task. Or you could use the Portal or look at how the Portal implemented it.


answered 31.01.2017 at 14:46

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the project is using 6.0.5. In this version, hiding the task seems to be the default behaviour, right? Is it possible to configure to show the task? How?

(31.01.2017 at 15:00) Jailson Brito Jailson%20Brito's gravatar image

Question 1: In my case, this was probably a bug in the ivy.session.findWorkTasks() as discussed in findWorkTasks() never returns tasks in TaskState.RESUMED state.

(02.02.2017 at 14:46) Jailson Brito Jailson%20Brito's gravatar image

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Asked: 30.01.2017 at 23:51

Seen: 2,821 times

Last updated: 02.02.2017 at 15:11