If a user closes the browser the current task he is working on is not correctly finished.

The java script function onunload is not usable because you can not decide if it was called because of a call or because the browser was closed.

Any solution?

asked 25.05.2010 at 04:40

Jan%20Fuhrmann's gravatar image

Jan Fuhrmann
accept rate: 0%

It is not possible to hinder a user to close his browsers. It is also not possible to check this 100% on the client side.

If the user closes the browser the task he is currently working on is still active. If the user starts a new browers and logs in then he can reactivate his currently working tasks.

After the session of the old browser timeouts (by default after 30 minutes) the currently working tasks of the session are resetet and therefore any user allowed to work on the tasks can sees them now again in its work list.


answered 26.05.2010 at 06:21

Ingmar%20Busch's gravatar image

Ingmar Busch
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 25.05.2010 at 04:40

Seen: 2,713 times

Last updated: 25.05.2010 at 04:40