If I calculate in.Temp.Date+01;00:00:00 an the variable in.Temp.Date is set with 31.10.2010 then the result is 31.10.2010. Why? With any other date (e.g. 30.10.2010) it works correct.

asked 12.05.2010 at 08:05

Roman%20Stalder's gravatar image

Roman Stalder
accept rate: 0%

The problem is that from the 31.10.2010 to the 1.11.2010 the day has 25 hours because of the daylight saving time change from CET sommer time to CET winter time. 31.10.2010 00:00 + 24:00:00 -> 31.10.2010 23:00 -> 31.10.2010.


answered 14.05.2010 at 03:09

Hanns%20Gregor's gravatar image

Hanns Gregor
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 12.05.2010 at 08:05

Seen: 2,155 times

Last updated: 12.05.2010 at 08:05