I'd like to get the full name of the current authenticated user. I use the following function getFullname(getCurrentUserName()). The problem is that the result is sometime empty. For me it is not clear why it is not working sometimes?

asked 10.09.2010 at 04:14

Peter%20Weber's gravatar image

Peter Weber
accept rate: 0%

If there is no user logged into the session then the method getCurrentUserName() will return "". And therefore also the method getFullName() does not provide a useful value.


answered 10.09.2010 at 09:46

Tamas%20KIS's gravatar image

Tamas KIS
accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 10.09.2010 at 04:14

Seen: 2,078 times

Last updated: 10.09.2010 at 04:14