Hello everyone

Is there any way to config IIS Server and Ivy Server open more than 300 connections?

I have an application run on Ivy Server, and i can connect to application from Internet via IIS server. My problem: if there are more than 300 connection to Ivy Server, the IIS Server is crashed, then i can not connect to Ivy Server too -:)

I configured worker.XpertIvyServer.max_packet_size and WebServer.AJP.PacketSize but IIS Server alway crash if there are too much connection

Do you have any solution to make IIS not crash?

I use Window Server 2012 and Ivy Server 5.0.5

Thank so much,

asked 08.05.2014 at 12:36

namanhem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08.05.2014 at 17:49

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦

Do you use PrimeFaces Push?

(08.05.2014 at 15:32) Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦ Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

In the Server Administration you could define how many Threads (connections) are allowed by configuring the properties 'WebServer.*.MaxThread', see Chapter 'System Properties' in the Server Guide how to configure.

If you use PrimeFaces Push ensure that for Web Socket connections not IO blocked connections/threads are used. Otherwise each connection use its own Thread. See PrimeFaces Push configuration in the question Can I use PrimePush in Xpert.ivy, especially the init-param 'org.atmosphere.useWebSocketAndServlet3' is required.


answered 08.05.2014 at 16:24

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
accept rate: 75%

edited 08.05.2014 at 16:26

Thank Flavio Sadeghi,

I tried update system properties 'WebServer.HTTP.MaxThreads' = 500 'WebServer.AJP.MaxThread' = 500 and update org.atmosphere.useWebSocketAndServlet3 is true. But IIS Server always crashed (but Ivy Server was not crashed) if there are more than 100 Web Socket connections.

Do you have any solution to make sure IIS server will be not crashed if there are more than 100 Web Socket connections.


(13.05.2014 at 08:38) namanhem namanhem's gravatar image

Hello Flavio and namanhem!

Do you have any solution for MaxThreads problem?

Thanks & Regards,

(28.08.2015 at 08:26) Hap Em Hap%20Em's gravatar image

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Asked: 08.05.2014 at 12:36

Seen: 3,352 times

Last updated: 28.08.2015 at 08:26