I would like to increase the size of the database connection pool to the system database. I couldn't find a system property that does that so far.

Can I change the connection pool size and if yes, how?

asked 06.07.2018 at 09:27

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

The default maximum number of connections to the Axon.ivy system database is 50.

If you want to change this value you have to add (or change) an entry in the system database table IWA_SYSTEMPROPERTY. Use SystemDb.MaxNumberOfConnections for PropertyName , your new value for PropertyValue and 0 in field IsEncrypted.

After adding or changing this entry you need to restart the Engine.


answered 06.07.2018 at 09:35

Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Andreas Rusch
accept rate: 92%

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Asked: 06.07.2018 at 09:27

Seen: 1,854 times

Last updated: 06.07.2018 at 09:35