Can some one help to setup mongoDB in Xpert.ivy?
asked 12.06.2014 at 09:03
mprvijay (suspended) accept rate: 0%
edited 12.06.2014 at 09:54
Reto Weiss ♦♦ 4.9k●20●28●57
Can you please describe your concrete problem? It is not a supported DB, but you should be able to access it in a script step.
I just needed to implement MongoDB for my master thesis work. I have java driver for mongodb and put inside the Xpert.ivy designer folder. Through script step able to access the mongoDB libraries
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Asked: 12.06.2014 at 09:03
Seen: 3,978 times
Last updated: 24.06.2014 at 15:21
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Can you please describe your concrete problem? It is not a supported DB, but you should be able to access it in a script step.
I just needed to implement MongoDB for my master thesis work. I have java driver for mongodb and put inside the Xpert.ivy designer folder. Through script step able to access the mongoDB libraries