Hi all

i'm trying to use cms inside another cms, i have a cms structure as below (i use insert cms marcro from ivy): alt text so i create a Ivy project then try to get this cms inside html dialog, everything work fine. But if i get that cms in java/ivy script then the cms of second level is not evaluated correctly, it's still a marco, even i show this on screen. alt text What is different of two ways here?

asked 21.11.2016 at 11:58

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 21.11.2016 at 11:59

It's correct that embedded macro are only expanded in a JSP or JSF context.

If you require embedded macro expansion in Java/IvyScript you can do that by using internal API. The following sample util expands embedded macros:

public class CmsExpanderUtil {

    public static String expand(String cmsTemplate)
        IEmbeddedScriptExpander scriptExpander = EmbeddedScriptExpanderFactory.createExpander();
        try {
            return scriptExpander.expandEmbeddedScripts(cmsTemplate, 
                    Ivy.request().getContext(null), Ivy.request().getProject().getIvyScriptEngine(), false, 50);
        } catch (PersistencyException | EnvironmentNotAvailableException
                | IvyScriptException e) {
            return cmsTemplate;


answered 23.11.2016 at 11:23

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 21.11.2016 at 11:58

Seen: 1,724 times

Last updated: 23.11.2016 at 11:23