Hello All,

Is there a reason why I can store on the CMS so few file formats ?

For example: I can store .css files, but not .js files I can store .png and .jpeg but not .svg

I would also want to be able to store font files, audio and video files, etc..

Does Ivy Team has a vision to extend the list in future releases ?

Best Regards, Yordan

asked 17.08.2016 at 08:01

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

In my personal view it is bad design that the CMS allows modification and creation of contents at runtime. The CMS should only contain static content.

There are a few other good storages for files which have no type limitations:

  • latest API for file handling: ivy.documents
  • application wide files: IApplication.getFileArea()
  • or session specific files: IApplication.getSessionFileArea()
(17.08.2016 at 08:58) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Maybe I used the wrong words. I was talking about static content as well. "Store in CMS" = adding content during the development via Axon Ivy Designer GUI

The problem is that the supported file types are very small number.

(17.08.2016 at 09:03) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

oops, yes I misunderstood the question in first place :-)

(17.08.2016 at 09:25) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

You can store any file in the Html Dialog resources directory. Just use create a subdirectory called 'resources' in the package of your HtmlDialog. The files within will be accessible for JSF resources. And of course you can also use the webContent folder for global resources.

The only drawback of this solutions is, that the contents do not support multiple languages by API.


answered 17.08.2016 at 09:09

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 17.08.2016 at 08:01

Seen: 1,869 times

Last updated: 17.08.2016 at 09:25