Hi all

Now i have a automatic process in our project then the customer want to configure the amount of time that process can start. i intend to use global variable but i don't know how to put it on that element.

Anyone know, please help

Thanks a lot alt text

asked 04.08.2016 at 10:20

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 04.08.2016 at 10:23

You can write your own custom StartEventBean. Just copy the code of the existing bean ('ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.beans.AutoProcessStarterEventBean') into a new JavaClass in your project src directory. Choose a good name for the class and adjust the content for your needs.

The adjustment should be simple: just put an Ivy.var.get("xyz") call at the right position and it should work.


answered 08.08.2016 at 09:43

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

hi. thanks for you feedback i just have one concern if ivy change something in default imp of AutoProcessStarterEventBean, then we lost for custom java class :( as well, which ivy lib i can find imp of AutoProcessStarterEventBean?

(08.08.2016 at 11:26) trungdv trungdv's gravatar image

I don't understand the concern. The AutoProcessStarterEventBean is just a sample implementation of an IProcessStartEventBean. It's designed to be a adapted for your personal needs. But of course you should then also change the name and package of the bean.

To finde the source: You can simply open the default implementation with the Type Finder (Ctrl+T). The source will be displayed right in your Designer.

(08.08.2016 at 12:00) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.08.2016 at 10:20

Seen: 2,053 times

Last updated: 08.08.2016 at 12:00