Is it possible to use Gmail for sending/outgoing Emails in Xpert.ivy?

asked 03.10.2013 at 12:05

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

Yes, this is possible since version 5.0.6.

Gmail requires an SMTP client, that issues an START_TLS command after establishing the connection.

On Designer go to Window -> Preferences -> Xpert.ivy/Email. On this dialog, use following settings:

  • SMTP host name:
  • Use default SMTP port: checked
  • SMTP user name: According to your account settings
  • SMTP password: According to your account settings
  • Test email address (from): According to your account settings
  • Encryption method: START_TLS

On Server go to Server Administration and set the system properties starting with EMail.Server.* accordingly.

For further information refer to the documentation:

  • ServerGuide: Server Administration -> System Properties -> Email Server
  • DesignerGuide: Introduction -> Xpert.ivy Preferences (Workspace Preferences) -> Email Settings

answered 03.10.2013 at 12:09

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

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Asked: 03.10.2013 at 12:05

Seen: 2,252 times

Last updated: 03.10.2013 at 12:09