Hello Ivy Team, Do you have any advise what is the proper way to setup SVN and Git in order to manage the code ? I see that the files in \src_dataClasses and \classes folders are deleted (including the .gitignore inside) Also the files inside .settings folder should not be watched for changes, but they need to be part of the initial commit (they contains passwords for the email server in clear text !) Best Regards, Yordan |
All directories that contain generated sources should be put under version control - but not their content:
In SVN I normally add these directories to the SCM server. But configure an The Normally sharing the Thanks for the hints Raguel ! but how can I configure svn or git to source control only a folder ? is this even possible ? usually, empty folders are ignored. I see that Axon.Ivy has problems to build when these folder are missing - for example classes\META-INF should always be there. BR, Yordan 1
In SVN this is a normal task. You can put folders under version control when they are empty. In GIT the thing is tricky. The only way to put these empty folders under version control is by adding a dummy file to it. E.g. an 1
We already identified problems when using GIT and should work towards a solution that does not require the empty directories to exist but create them at runtime. There is also a story for that in our backlog: https://jira.axonivy.com/jira/browse/XIVY-1665 I do not know any build problems when |
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Asked: 23.08.2017 at 02:20
Seen: 2,307 times
Last updated: 24.08.2017 at 08:37