Hi Team, i got a new requirement that needs to log every time Webservice call with ws name and some value.

Is there any way that i can get the name of ws process element (in Code tab)?


Thank you,


asked 14.07.2020 at 00:33

docvominh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi @docvominh

The ServiceName should be already logged by default on level debug. As shown by example in these runtime logs of my designer alt text I'd setup a specific log channel on level debug for the interesting web services: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/engine-guide/monitoring/logging.html#runtime-log

However, from your screenshot I recon that you are using a pre 8.0 LTS ivy version. The runtime logs may differ a little back there.


answered 23.07.2020 at 04:32

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 23.07.2020 at 04:33

so it means i can not get the name in the code tab after call ws?

we just want to save the name to our database to track history of the case.


Thank you,



answered 24.07.2020 at 04:54

docvominh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In the 7.0 webservice stack there is no handle for the service name in the code tab. Of course you can monitor webservice calls via log output and put them to a database e.g. by using the Logstash form the elkstack or another thirdparty which is built to deal with logs.

In the 8.0 LTS webservice stack, a custom logging to database can be easily provided when using the new CXF webservice library. There users can easily contribute custom functionality by implementing a ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.exec.feature.WebServiceClientFeature.

(24.07.2020 at 05:15) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

i got it, thanh you :)

(24.07.2020 at 05:31) docvominh docvominh's gravatar image

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Asked: 14.07.2020 at 00:33

Seen: 2,513 times

Last updated: 24.07.2020 at 05:34