I have to integrate holiday records from Axon.ivy with SAP HR. How can I connect and integrate with SAP using Java? Or is ist possible to create Web Services within SAP, I could use?

asked 12.05.2015 at 10:27

Richard%20Schmid's gravatar image

Richard Schmid
accept rate: 25%

I don't know SAP HR. But an SAP webservice interface which is consumed from an ivy webservice call element should do the job.


answered 12.05.2015 at 10:32

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 12.05.2015 at 10:27

Seen: 2,864 times

Last updated: 12.05.2015 at 10:32