My Ivy project needs to call a SOAP web service but I can’t connect to the server where this web service runs. The only thing I have is the corresponding .wsdl file.

Can I use it to mock the web service for development and testing?

asked 27.10.2017 at 10:20

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

Yes, this is possible:

  1. Download SoapUI from https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui.html (take SoapUI OpenSource).
  2. Open SoapUI
  3. Create new SOAP project:alt text

  4. Type in a project name and browse for your .wsdl file:alt text

  5. In the tree on the left, right click on the endpoint you want to test and choose “Generate SOAP Mock service”:alt text

  6. Check or uncheck your desired operations and modify path and port as you like. Tick the option “Starts the MockService immediately”: alt text

  7. Specify the name of your MockService:alt text

  8. Now your mock service is running. Check it by navigate to the set path and port on localhost:alt text Click on the link to get the local .wsdl file: alt text

  9. Now you can test or develop against your mock service:alt text


answered 27.10.2017 at 10:28

Barbara%20Brugger's gravatar image

Barbara Brugger ♦♦
accept rate: 100%

this is a very cool feature. Its also documented here: https://www.soapui.org/soap-mocking/service-mocking-overview.html

I'd hope more dev adapt this cool way of development against soap services.

(29.03.2018 at 08:04) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.10.2017 at 10:20

Seen: 3,618 times

Last updated: 29.03.2018 at 08:04