We have a requirement which describes that our webservice namespace (we are the service provider) should be like http://sap.com/xi/IDEIM Is this possible to implement? In Ivy Designer (6.0.4) it looks like there are only points allowed no slashes. Is there a workaround possible |
Yes, there is a workaround. First, each WS Process is backed by a Java file, which contains the configuration/annotations to provide the WS endpoint methods. This file is located in the folder The generaded file is annotated with Because the file gets recreaed when the process changes, in could not be changed directly. Therefore the java file has to be copied to the Axon.ivy >= 6.5
The java file in the Axon.ivy < 6.5
The java file in the Example of the annotation on the corresponding class:
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Asked: 06.12.2016 at 09:12
Seen: 5,503 times
Last updated: 07.12.2016 at 16:05