We have a requirement which describes that our webservice namespace (we are the service provider) should be like http://sap.com/xi/IDEIM Is this possible to implement? In Ivy Designer (6.0.4) it looks like there are only points allowed no slashes. Is there a workaround possible

asked 06.12.2016 at 09:12

peter_muc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07.12.2016 at 10:56

Yes, there is a workaround.

First, each WS Process is backed by a Java file, which contains the configuration/annotations to provide the WS endpoint methods. This file is located in the folder [project]/src_wsproc/[fully-qualified-name].java. The fully-qualified-name could be defined in the inscription mask of the process. The file is generated by the project builder 'Ivy Web Serivce Process Class Builder', which is defined in the project properties -> builders.

The generaded file is annotated with @javax.jws.WebService. This annotation has the property targetNamespace which allows to define the webserivce namespace, as asked in the question. But per default this property is not set and could not be configuration in the inscription mask.

Because the file gets recreaed when the process changes, in could not be changed directly. Therefore the java file has to be copied to the src-folder of your project and the file in the src_wsproc-folder has to be deleted. The version in the src-folder could be configured/changed as requested. BUT it has to be in line with the configuration of the WS Start Elements. Its now under control of the developer - means, when a WS Start Element configuration changes, the change has to be adapted in the java file too!

Axon.ivy >= 6.5 The java file in the src_wsproc-folder gets not recreated anymore, because the project specific file in the src-folder will be recognized ;-)

Axon.ivy < 6.5 The java file in the src_wsproc-folder gets recreatd as soon the process changes. So it has to be deleted by the developer again and again. Or the corrsponding builder is disabled, but then NO WS Process Java files of this project would be generaded any more...

Example of the annotation on the corresponding class:

public class MySAPWebService extends ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.process.restricted.AbstractWebServiceProcess

answered 07.12.2016 at 16:05

Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
accept rate: 75%

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Asked: 06.12.2016 at 09:12

Seen: 5,503 times

Last updated: 07.12.2016 at 16:05