
I tried to use the AXON Ivy mobile app for iPhone to run our project. The project was open fine but the main issue that most of the buttons and links which exist on the page did not clickable anymore. As a result, I cannot submit form, move among pages, open the new modal, etc.

I tried to open our project using chrome in my iPhone and it worked well, but when I turned to the AXON Ive mobile app nothing worked (nothing clickable).

Note: I am using Ive 7.4 version

asked 25.11.2019 at 05:48

Hazem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Axon.ivy 7.4 comes with Primefaces 7.0 and this version of primefaces makes trouble with the current mobile app.

We will release a new version of the Axon.ivy Mobile app with Axon.ivy 8 which can properly work with Primefaces 7.0.


answered 25.11.2019 at 06:16

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

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Asked: 25.11.2019 at 05:48

Seen: 1,229 times

Last updated: 25.11.2019 at 06:16