Dear Ivy Team

In the Non-Docker world, we have a deployment IAR, which writes config values fed via a script.

With Docker we want to avoid that. The global variables we already configure them via app.yaml. What would be (in the future ?) the best way to configure permissions, iwa_applicationproperty, etc

Best regards, John

asked 16.07.2019 at 11:34

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

Hi John

Since 7.3.1 application properties are configured via app.yaml (and removed from the database during the upgrade).

(29.07.2019 at 06:01) Andreas Rusch Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Hi Andreas I am talking about the props such as those from the admin client, for example set "Default Pages Implementor" : Or other parameters which can be set in the admin client (for example permissions)

(29.07.2019 at 08:58) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

Hi John

From 7.2.1 application properties like e-mail notifications, standard processes and other application specific settings (including global variables) are configured in the app.yaml file.

Have a look at example configuration file <engine_path>/configuration/app.yaml to see what you can set.

As for permissions this is still needs to be configured in the database. I would recommend using a SQL script for that.


answered 30.07.2019 at 06:48

Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Andreas Rusch
accept rate: 92%

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Asked: 16.07.2019 at 11:34

Seen: 1,428 times

Last updated: 30.07.2019 at 06:48