At one of our customers tasks that are assigned to a user are immediately visible for the user but not for his substitute. The substitute sees the task only later. Sometimes it lasts until an hour until the substitutes sees the task.

asked 05.07.2010 at 05:52

Alexandra%20Reich's gravatar image

Alexandra Reich
accept rate: 0%

A substitute sees the tasks of users he substitutes only if the user he substitutes is absent. If the user is not absent the substitute is not active and therefore he cannot see the tasks. User can define their absences in the workflow ui.


answered 08.07.2010 at 06:23

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orçun odabas
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 05.07.2010 at 05:52

Seen: 1,797 times

Last updated: 05.07.2010 at 05:52