Is there a possibility to set a session attribute in a Java class (which is used in a PI)?

In a JSP page I can set a session attribute with ivy.setSessionAttribut().

Unfortunately the IvyObject in the Java class does not have this method?!

How to do this?

asked 22.04.2010 at 05:22

Flavio%20Muff's gravatar image

Flavio Muff
accept rate: 0%

You can use the method getProcessEngineHook() of the IvyObject object. The process engine hook has then the methods setSessionAttribut(...) und getSessionAttribut(...).


answered 27.05.2010 at 03:00

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

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Asked: 22.04.2010 at 05:22

Seen: 2,198 times

Last updated: 22.04.2010 at 05:22