If I call IvyObject.getDefault("meinEinfachesDatumsFeld") and myIvyObject a data class is then I get null with the following data types:

  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Duration (Returns a java.lang.Long)
  • Object
  • Time

There may be other types this is the case. Do you have an explanaition for this? Can you reproduce the issue?

asked 07.10.2009 at 11:01

Manuel%20Wallrapp's gravatar image

Manuel Wallrapp
accept rate: 0%

getDefault(...) returns a default value if the value is null for those types that have a default value (e.g. String).

For all other data types getDefault(...) returns the same value as get(...). If no value is set it returns null.


answered 14.10.2009 at 09:51

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

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Asked: 07.10.2009 at 11:01

Seen: 1,998 times

Last updated: 07.10.2009 at 11:01