Hi guys,

I'm trying to create some powershell scripts, which will automate setup process of a server running ivy engine.

Though, I'm having one question whether we can automate the generation of AxonIvySystemDatabase or not as it's from the Engine Admin panel, with license, of course! Will this violate any copyright/licensing terms?

Thank you very much!

asked 24.03.2017 at 05:15

ToanLC's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

For that use case we provide a command line tool: <engine directory>/bin/EngineConfigC.exe

If you call this tool without any parameters, it will print the help reference. You won't violate any copyright/licensing terms.

Version 6.5 This tool is missing in version 6.5. You can copy it from version 6.4. We will include this executable in future releases again.


answered 24.03.2017 at 15:45

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

edited 27.03.2017 at 20:27

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦

As I saw, there is no EngineConfigC.exe anymore, which could be replaced by AxonIvyEngineConfigC.exe. When I run it without parameter, it opens GUI configuration again and the headless parameter gives no further configuration. It has no command on creating database for the engine though. So I, personally, don't think that the above answer is the correct one, which someone marked as correct answer?

(27.03.2017 at 10:02) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

This tool is missing in version 6.5. You can copy it from version 6.4. We will include this executable in future releases again.

(27.03.2017 at 12:27) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Hi @Alex, thank you for the info. Sorry that I forgot to tell you that I'm using Ivy version 6.5 Thank you very much for your help

(28.03.2017 at 04:27) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

hi @Alex, I can now using the command with EngineConfigC; however, I encountered an error when trying to create database after successfully configured database url using -configDb command. Do you have any clue where could the problem be resolved? *Note: I'm trying to connect to Postgres 9.6, I think it might be because of the version that ivy do not have any lib to connect with it in ServerConfigurationTool.class

(30.03.2017 at 14:27) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

hi @ToanLC Do you have a stack trace or an error message?

(31.03.2017 at 15:34) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Hi @Alex, I solved the problem. It happened as I didn't add the database name after the database url. Besides, I need to give the command about 1 minutes to be executed before proceeding with creating Admin

(03.04.2017 at 05:32) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image
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Asked: 24.03.2017 at 05:15

Seen: 1,777 times

Last updated: 03.04.2017 at 05:32