Hello everyone :) I want to use the textEditor element which is provided by PrimeFaces, but it us supported after version 6.0.6 of PrimeFaces. My current version in Axon Ivy is 5.3, how can I upgrade PrimeFaces version in Axon Ivy or is there other way to achieve the functionality of te textEditor element? |
Primeface are part of the Axon.ivy Engine as ui technology. You must replace the libraries in the directory But we deliver primefaces-extension. There you have the ckeditor-extension, which you can use as follows:
Here is a showcase of the primeface ckeditor: http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-ext/sections/ckEditor/basicUsage.jsf |
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Asked: 23.02.2017 at 10:01
Seen: 2,252 times
Last updated: 03.03.2017 at 10:35