Hello everyone, I try to configure for Invoke Xpert.Ivy Project Deployment session like the image And the project file to deploy after build in the path But there are the error appear when deploy project: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>falseDeployment Errorjava.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException . What is the right configure to point to the right project which will be used to deploy into Engine? And How I can get the iar file that don't depend on project name? asked 24.01.2017 at 02:17 titbk |
The Xpert.ivy jenkins deployment tool is not an official part of the core product. As far as I know it is not possible to run it with ivy 6.0 and upwards. But its still used to deploy 'old' projects for 5.1. Some of the deployment features are covered by the new official maven plugin. http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/6.5/deploy-iar-mojo.html answered 25.01.2017 at 10:27 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Hi @Reguel Wermelinger, the plugin is still being used to deploy Axon.ivy 6.x artifacts just fine. One question regarding the
(26.01.2017 at 12:38)
Genzer Hawker
@Genzer Hawker today there is no way to deploy trough a simple HTTP request or something. The only deployment method is via file drop in the deploy directory of the engine. So you could basically easily setup an FTP deployment or similar. http://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/EngineGuideHtml/administration.html#administration-deployment-directory
(27.01.2017 at 08:44)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
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Asked: 24.01.2017 at 02:17
Seen: 2,781 times
Last updated: 27.01.2017 at 08:44