Hello ivy Team Following question - I have to set up an enviroment where WebService Request(https) from ivy.Server should go over a proxy. Following system properties are edited: Xpert.ivy Server Administrator / System Properties /
But the request goes over port 63187 (?) as source to port 443 as destination. Is there an additional place for configuration? Thank you in advance. Regards |
Axon.ivy 7.1 and later: Starting with Axon.ivy 7.1 and the newly supported CXF web services library, proxy settings can be configured via a new Feature called ProxyFeature. Proxy host name, port and an exclusion list can be set via web service properties proxy.host, proxy.port and proxy.nonProxyHosts. Also, properties for proxy authentication exist. These properties can be overridden in the environment definitions and in the Web Service Call Activity.
Prior to 7.1 and Axis: The proxy server to use to make http or https connections from Xpert.ivy to external servers can be configured as follows: In the Designer
On the Server there are no UI to configure the proxy settings. Instead you have to set the java system properties that controls the proxy settings as follows:
Changed the line
Of course the port and host must be adjusted. For Https use:
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Asked: 10.01.2014 at 13:08
Seen: 9,269 times
Last updated: 21.02.2018 at 10:09