Hi all One month ago, i introduced a new task switch element on my project and deploy it on server. So customer used it already (on their side). Now customer think they don't need it anymore so they request me to remove it. After removing that task switch and delete all cases which are related to that element then deploy on server, i got this exception:
I see in that exception engine suggest me to create new PMV, but can we have another way? because we just want to keep one pmv on server. If we try to remove all cases/tasks which is related to this task switch, can we solve it? Thanks all asked 16.12.2016 at 03:42 trungdv Reguel Werme... ♦♦ |
AxonIvy >= 7.0 A re-deployment of a PMV with changed or removed Task Switches is possible - except there are running tasks on the changed/removed TaskSwitch. This makes a re-deployment much easier. If there are still issues, which you think has to be improved, send us a message with the use case. We will analyse and improve it possibly. AxonIvy < 7.0 No, just deleting the Cases/Tasks from the system DB would not help. There are also entries in the table However, you could also leave the Task Switch element inside the process. It needs the same incoming and outgoing arrows, but it does has not to be integrated in the effective process flow. Basically it’s a known issue and we can optimize the deployment validation, by allowing a re-deployment when there are no running cases/tasks on a corresponding deleted/changed Task Switch. But currently there is nothing planned – if this is a frequent issue, lets us know – so we can discuss/plan required stories - and/or add an entry in the 'most wanted fixes' list. answered 16.12.2016 at 13:56 Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦ yep, for me it make sense if we can improve this kind of deployment validation. in our Fintech project, the requirement is change quite frequently (depending on bank) so this stuff could happen over and over again. Thanks for your support.
(19.12.2016 at 02:27)
good to know. pls add and prioritize it in the list of most-wantet-fixes
(19.12.2016 at 13:57)
Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦
If a TaskSwitch element is no longer required, but it was already used in old cases, there exists an API to delete Cases and its Tasks that have ended.
(20.11.2017 at 06:36)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
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Asked: 16.12.2016 at 03:42
Seen: 2,504 times
Last updated: 20.11.2017 at 06:36