How to cancel task by method ivy.task.reset();? In Axon Ivy Designer 6.0.1 this method is not working.

Getting error as follows State of Task must be one of the following values RESUMED, CREATED, PARKED, READY_FOR_JOIN, FAILED but is ZOMBIE

asked 16.03.2016 at 09:43

AnaghaM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think this error occurs because you are trying to reset a non-persistent task:

You can for the task to be persistent immediately when a user starts a process: See the Start-Element reference alt text alt text


answered 16.03.2016 at 10:21

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 16.03.2016 at 10:22

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Asked: 16.03.2016 at 09:43

Seen: 2,790 times

Last updated: 16.03.2016 at 10:22